Why Statistics Don’t Apply To You

You are not average

The reason I chose to specialize my coaching practice in higher ed administration isn’t because I worked in this world for over a decade. It is because I find delight in administrators’ intelligence, education, inquisitive minds, interest in lifelong learning, and heart-centered mission.

I love to work with exceptional people with brilliant minds and there is no shortage of that here. But… there is one thing I need to point out. Relying too much on facts, statistics, and probabilities can be limiting.

Most of us have Doctorate Degrees or at least Masters Degrees and we have all been taught to do our research and make data-driven decision. Our minds are trained to think that way. We seek the truth more often than we allow ourselves to dream.

But wait a minute, do you want to fit in with the crowd or be a successful outlier?

Being among the crowd or standing out

Personally, I find it tremendously rewarding when I accomplish something that looked highly unlikely. When odds are against me, that pushes me to do my absolute best and I rise to the occasion. I don’t look for statistics to tell me if I am going to succeed at something. I know my success or failure will be the result of my decisions and actions rather than what happened to others who have attempted something similar before me.

So please, do yourself a favor and stop researching the likelihood of success before trying something new.

Here are some examples

- If you are a woman and you want to negotiate your compensation package when a new college or university offers you a position, do it!!! I know there are statistics showing that women are less likely than men to negotiate a higher salary and get it, but you shouldn’t care about that. Be the exception! Succeed where others have failed. Forget the statistics!

- If you want to apply for a position you know in your gut would be a wonderful fit for you and you meet the “required” qualifications but not all “preferred” qualifications, don’t think you’ll be less competitive than other applicants. You are so much more than bullet points and check marks. Show them what you’ve got! You’ll be evaluated as a whole person and you may be just what they are looking for.

- Let’s say you are sick and tired of having a traditional job and you secretly dream of being a consultant or other type of small business owner. Don’t look up data on business failure. Your success or lack thereof, has nothing to do with other people’s journeys. It will depend on your mindset, strategy, implementation, and willingness to do things that are uncomfortable at first. You can choose to step up and create something extraordinary. It is entirely up to you.

- Stop looking for “recipes” or “instructions” to get the results you seek in life. What worked for others may not be what is best for you. Use your mind but use your intuition too. In many instances, the emotions you feel in your body are better indicators of what is right for you than any peer reviewed article you can find on the internet. Set the bar as high as you want to, learn to trust yourself more, stop seeking validation in facts, numbers, or other people’s opinions.

If what I am encouraging you to do is tempting but feels foreign, here is what you can do:

- Let yourself dream and acknowledge what you genuinely want rather than what is reasonable or statistically likely to happen. One way to do that is to ask yourself what you would do if you could not fail. Imagine if success was guaranteed and there was nothing to fear. What would you do?

- Take a break from being humble and give yourself some credit for all of your past accomplishments, talents, and personality traits. Honor who you are. Connect with your magnificence and appreciate your untapped potential. There is something within you that want to be expressed. Let it come out and shine.

- For inspiration, pay attention to people who accomplished something exceptional. Take your mind off what is common. Focus on what helps you realize that you too can have an extraordinary life. There is evidence everywhere that you can succeed. Take notice!

- If fear shows up, listen to what it has to say. Typically, what seems scary is not dangerous. It involves stepping into something unknown but you will be safe. There are two types of fear. One comes with a feeling of danger and one with a feeling of expansion. If yours is the latter, embrace your personal growth journey. The more you grow, the more amazing life can be.

- If you are still hesitant, let me remind you that you are a role model for others. If you are a parent, your kids are watching you and forming beliefs about life based on your actions. You can’t tell them they can accomplish anything they want, if you, yourself, are playing safe. If you are a mentor, your mentee(s) also learn from you and if you act like something is not possible for you, they will think it is not possible for them either.

Your choices have a ripple effect. You can choose to be better than the crowd. Stand out and be the kind of leader the world need. And for goodness’ sake, forget statistics!

If you are excited about doing something daring and want to position yourself for success, consider working with a coach. Your mindset, emotional wellbeing, strategy and organization will be essential so it is in your best interest to partner up with someone who will bring the best out of you. Click here if you would like to speak with me about your dreams and goals and how together, we can accomplish the unlikely.

About the author: Since 2010 Dr. Audrey Reille has empowered thousands of professionals through one-on-one coaching, group coaching, speaking engagements, online courses, and interviews on international telesummits.  Audrey is the go-to coach for leaders in higher education administration. She empowers them to thrive by reducing stress, optimizing strategies, improving professional relationships, and developing a strong and empowered mindset.