10 Rules to 10X your Job Satisfaction


What do you hope for?

What do you think it’s going to take to improve your job satisfaction? Do you need your boss to retire, an annoying coworker to get a job elsewhere, and Monday 8 am staff meetings to be moved to 10 am? Do you need people to make different decisions and change policies you don’t like? Do you need people to be more like you and agree with you more often?

Think about it for a moment. What unfulfilled desire keeps taking space in your mind, making you think this is what you need to be happy, and therefore preventing you from thinking about what you have the power to change? Stop thinking the same old thoughts. You will improve your job satisfaction when you stop dwelling on the same old things and start thinking and acting differently.

Follow as many of these 10 rules as possible and I promise, even if your job doesn’t change, the way you experience it will be completely transformed.

10 essential rules

1.     Don’t put your happiness in other people’s hands

Stop needing people to change their behaviors for you to be happy. Learn to be happy with the way things are or simply change your focus. You can set goals for yourself and enjoy the feeling of making progress. Waiting passively for things to change is simply not an option.

2.     Get back in the driver seat

Don’t live as if you were a passenger in a vehicle, looking out the window, with no control over where you are headed. Get in the driver seat and decide where you’re going and what road to want to take. Be proactive and keep yourself accountable.

3.     Be more accepting of others

When you observe yourself being judgmental and critical of others, instead of getting upset because of how they “should” be or what they “should” do, look at yourself and find something you wish to improve, and work on it!

4.     Mind your own business

If you look for things you disagree with, you will find them. You can always find a reason to be offended or disappointed. The antidote is simple: mind your own business and don’t give attention to little things that upset you that aren’t important anyway.

5.     Find more to appreciate

If you’ve had your job more than a year or two, you probably take for granted what seemed wonderful when you first started. Remember why you were excited to get this job. Also, think about all the things you can appreciate now that you’ve been in this position for some time.

6.     Find meaning in your work

If you’ve lost sight of why your work matters and who benefits from it, it’s time to step back from the day-to-day tasks and gain a new and expanded perspective on the mission of your department and the people you serve. Ask yourself how you can have more impact and perform at a higher level.

7.     Make your job more interesting

Look for job enrichment opportunities, volunteer to participate in interesting projects, and set professional development goals. Also, look for ways to reduce or eliminate repetitive tasks that could be transformed or delegated to others who would welcome the opportunity. Take initiative!

8.     Develop quality professional relationships

If you don’t have a good relationship with your boss, some of your staff, or co-workers, use this as an importunity to grow. Learn how to develop authentic quality relationships in the workplace. It is absolutely essential not only to your job satisfaction but to your work performance, leadership, and future opportunities to move up the ladder.

9.     Give your problems an expiration date

It’s normal to have problems but it’s not normal to complain about them for years. When you face a problem, give yourself a deadline to fix it and do your absolute best to succeed. If you discover you can’t change the problem, you must accept it and stop complaining about it.

10.  Know what you cannot accept

Take some time to truly get to know yourself and find out what you can live with versus what you cannot accept. When you find yourself in a situation you cannot accept, find the courage to actively look for another job. Don’t stay in a toxic situation.

If you read this and thought “that’s easier said than done” don’t let that be a reason not to follow-through. I have written articles on my website on how to do all these things and if you google specific topics, you will find all the answers you need. If what’s missing is structure, accountability, and support, consider working with a coach. If you would like to speak with me about working together, I invite you to click here to schedule a complimentary call. You spend 40, 50, or more hours at your work and should enjoy it!!! Let me show you how.

About the author: Dr. Audrey Reille has empowered thousands of professionals through one-on-one coaching, group coaching, speaking engagements, online courses, and interviews on international telesummits.  Audrey is the go-to coach for leaders in higher education administration. She empowers them to thrive by reducing stress, optimizing strategies, improving professional relationships, and developing a strong and empowered mindset. 

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