Many achievers work hard because of how they were raised. Their parents taught them the value of hard work. They were praised for working hard and their identity is defined (at least in part) by how hard they work and how much they achieve. Their value system is built on this foundation. Their self-worth depends on it.
10 Ways to Stop Someone from Pushing your Buttons
10 Reasons Why People Hold On To Their Problems and How To Stop
5 Signs Your Thought Patterns Are Working Against You
What To Do If You Got Your DREAM Job and It’s Giving You NIGHTMARES
Even though you met or exceeded all job requirements, nothing prepared you for the stress, politics, and mind-games you have to navigate on a daily basis. You wake up in the morning with a knot in your stomach, secretly wishing you could go back to your old job. But you can’t. Here is what to do instead.